Barclays Inverse US Treasury Composite ETN (TAPR) Rose 10.72% or 2.35 To Price $24.32 On Wednesday

Barclays Inverse US Treasury Composite ETN (TAPR) rose 10.72% or 2.35 to $24.32. It is nearly 21520 shares traded, which is 7294.92% compare to the average total volume 295. The market cap of TAPR is $16.54 million. The 52 week price range is from $19.3 to $29.63. Price of TAPR have changed 0.00% during last week. It have changed 0.58% over last month, -5.89% over last 3 months, -8.41% over last 6 months and -14.03% over one year.

Some investors will use 50-day and 200-day Moving Averages as support and resistance levels. Those moving average will be very helpful most of time. The 50-day Moving Averages for TAPR is 22.20. It is -8.72% below current price. The 200-day Moving Averages for TAPR is 22.75. It is -6.46% below current price. The 52-week High is 29.63. It is 21.83% from the current price. The 52-week Low is 19.3. It is -20.64% from current price.

There are some statistics of TAPR. It is has market cap $16.54 million. The share outstanding is 680100. The average volume is 295.


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